Services / JoomShopping extensions / Joomshopping Plugins / Free Attribute calculate price (Addon)

Joomshopping Plugins: Free Attribute calculate price (Addon)

Free Attribute calculate price

Calculate the quantity from formula and price from "Price per consignment".
+ support 3 other formula for other categories.

Exaple price calculate:
Formula: $width*$height
Width: 5
Height: 4
Product price: 50 (for M2)
Price = 5 * 4 * 50 = 1000

Additional plug-ins
Free Attribute calculate price cart, Free Attribute calculate price order - To display the value of (m2,m3...) in the basket and in the order

In version 1.2.0 (Addon) added
Default, minimum, maximum for Width, Height, Depth

Version 1.4 (Screenshot 4)
Added support 5 free attribute
support unlimit other formula for other categories / products.

Version 1.5
Added fix price for product (Product / edit / info).
Price = formula * product price + fix price

Configuration: option / addons / Free attribute calcule price / configuration


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Beachten Sie das es nicht möglich ist den Lizenzkey auf eine andere Domain zu übertragen.
* Pflichtfelder
Preis: 28.84 EUR (Der Preis hängt vom Land ab. Bitte loggen Sie sich ein)
  Joomla: 3.x - 5.x
  JoomShopping: 4.2.2 / 5.0.0 +
ab 20.60 EUR
JoomShopping: Alle
ab 25.75 EUR
JoomShopping: Alle

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