Joomshopping Addons: Cumulative discount

Example (Сumulative discount for Coupon)
1. Create coupon (example 1%)
2. After use coupon
(purchase in total amount of 100$)
Coupon discount = 2%

(purchase in total amount of 1000$)
Coupon discount = 3%


Example (Сumulative discount for Client)

Discounts for clients (automatically) after registration

After purchase in total amount of 100$
Сlient gets a discount = 2% (for next purchase)

(After purchase in total amount of 1000$)
Сlient gets a discount = 3% (for next purchase)

Prices in the markets today are about the same, similar products are offered, so that the buyer chose your shop, reliable way of motivation will be funded system of discounts, allowances increase with increasing extent purchases. The system of discounts enables both partners as the buyer and the seller to get a positive result. The seller receives a permanent buyer, and the buyer gets the same product at a lower price.

Введите здесь доменное имя, которое будет использовано для Ключа.
Обратите внимание, что передать лицензию другому домену невозможно.
* Обязательный
Цена: 25.75 EUR (Цена зависит от страны. Пожалуйста залогиньтесь)
  Joomla: 1.6 - 5.x
  JoomShopping: 3.4.0 / 4.2.1 / 5.0.0 +

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