Services / JoomShopping extensions / Joomshopping Addons / Telegram/Viber orders annonce

Joomshopping Addons: Telegram/Viber orders annonce

Telegram/Viber orders annonce

Telegram configuration:
1. Register the bot in the telegram (screenshot 3)
2. Add your bot in private chat and write him any text (necessarily) (screenshot 4)
3. Сopy the token bot in Addons/ Configuration/Telegram orders annonce in field 'Toket key' (screenshot 5)
4.To test the bot, make a test order on your site

WARNING!!! In order for the bot to work, the site must be included SSL
Viber instruction:
1. Register account for creating bot
2. Copy API key from the site
3. Сopy the token in Addons/ Configuration/Messengers orders announces in field 'Toket key'

Version 2.4.3 - compatibility with addon Quick order

Введите здесь доменное имя, которое будет использовано для Ключа.
Обратите внимание, что передать лицензию другому домену невозможно.
* Обязательный
Цена: 25.75 EUR (Цена зависит от страны. Пожалуйста залогиньтесь)
  Joomla: 3.x - 5.x
  JoomShopping: 4.16.0 / 5.0.0 +
  PHP: 7.4 - 8.3

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