Services / JoomShopping extensions / Joomshopping Templates + / Detail product - Text right

Joomshopping Templates +: Detail product - Text right

1. Unzip
2. Copy file to components\com_jshopping\templates\{your template}\product\
3. Set in Administrator/configuration/Shop functions
Use individual template for each category and product: Yes
4. Administrator / products / edit
Set Template "Simple"

Warning: Addon override template 'product detail'.

* Обязательный
Цена: 10.30 EUR (Цена зависит от страны. Пожалуйста залогиньтесь)
  Joomla: 1.6 - 3.x
  JoomShopping: 3.4.0 / 4.0.0 +

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